Beauty Essentials for your wedding are one of the key things you think about when planning for it. They are also a must-have when you go off on your honeymoon because you want to look good for your significant other. Therefore as you pack for your honeymoon and organize the clothes to carry, you should not forget your beauty products.
However, it’s always such a hectic time before, during and after a wedding that brides often forget their essentials for the honeymoon. Outlined in this article are what you should carry so that you don’t forget anything and you can look stunning in all your honeymoon pictures.
Sunscreen for your time outdoors
Whether you are going to an island getaway or for a sight-seeing trip, one thing you cannot afford to miss in your bag is sunscreen. Although you may not plan to spend a lot of time outside the room, you need to protect your body from the sun when you do venture out of it.
Make sure you apply sunscreen when you go out to explore the local sites, stay by the pool, walk on the beach or take a hike. Just make sure the SPF is high enough to protect your skin unless you want to get a nasty sunburn and spoil your trip. A good trick is to use a skin lotion with high SPF sunscreen that you can use for the same purpose instead of having them separate.
Dry Shampoo to keep your hair clean
If you plan to spend some time on your trip on a safari or hiking, you may not have time to shampoo and condition your hair as you do at home. It doesn’t mean that you should spend time with dirty hair. Dry shampoo will come in handy to make sure that you keep your hair relatively clean until you can get back to civilization and give it a good wash.
Makeup remover wipes
You need to have a fresh face every time you go to bed during your honeymoon. Remember, going to sleep with makeup is a no-no especially if you want to wake up with clean refreshed skin. A great thing to pack among your honeymoon beauty essentials is make-up remover wipes. Make sure you carry the three-in-one kind that will cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin at a go. It will make it easier for you to get that makeup off at the end of the day especially when you are exhausted.
B and B cream
Beauty balm cream is a great skin product that allows you to do a lot of things at once. You will find beauty balms that will act as a foundation, moisturizer, and sunblock in one package. So instead of applying different things during your make-up routine you just cleanse the skin and apply your beauty balm and then set with pressed powder. It’s so easy and reduces the makeup items you have to carry especially on a day out. Just make sure you get a beauty balm with a high SPF so that your face is safe from sun damage.
Nail polish remover pads and French manicure set
On your honeymoon, you should keep your nails looking pretty and clean. A great way to do this is to carry a pack of nail polish remover pads and your favorite French manicure lacquer. These will help you to keep your nails looking well maintained during your trip. Every time you get chipped nails you just wipe the polish off using a pad and reapply it in a jiffy. Keeping your nails smart will be that easy!
Eye cream
You may be out partying a lot on your honeymoon, and you do not want to have tired and blotchy eyes the next day. Therefore one essential beauty product you must not leave behind is an eye cream. You can pack one to apply at night after you cleanse the face or get one to use in the morning before you apply your make up. Eye creams are great for keeping away blotchiness and swelling around the eyes. You don’t want to have puffy eyes in any of your honeymoon pictures so don’t forget these.
Setting powder
Once you apply your makeup, you need a setting powder to finish it off. Get one that you can use for day and evening makeup. A translucent loose powder is an excellent option as it is light and always gives a smooth finish. They come in portable compact containers so you can set your makeup on the go and get rid of any oiliness as it occurs.
Lip palette
Your lips are perhaps one of the most important parts of your face. Therefore, you cannot afford to have dull and flaky lips. One great way to jazz up your lips is by using lipstick. One lipstick is not enough because some colors may look good during the day but are not ideal for night time. But who wants to carry around many tubes of lipstick in their bag of beauty essentials? Not you!
In these modern times, it’s best to invest in a lip palette that contains a variety of lip colors that suit your skin tone. That way you will have a lot of colors in different shades so that you can change your lip color at will. Make sure you do not leave you lip palette behind if you want to keep your lips looking gorgeous throughout your honeymoon.
Waterproof make up
You may spend a lot of time in the water during your honeymoon. It doesn’t mean you don’t want to look beautiful when doing it. To ensure you don’t have to worry about runny makeup when you swim or engage in other water sports make sure you carry waterproof make-up. These are products you can use in the water, and they will not smudge or run so that you can stay cute and still have fun in the water. You only need waterproof mascara, foundation, and lip color as they are enough to keep your face looking flawless throughout.
Body spray, deodorant, and perfume set
You need a good body spray, perfume, and deodorant pack that will keep you smelling fresh throughout the day no matter how active you get. It helps if the products are of the same brand as your shower gel so that you can layer your scent. Also, carry around a small bottle of perfume to freshen up during the day. You can have one suitable for daytime and another for night time. The trick is to make sure they are light scents that will not overwhelm your partner or those around you.
Personal care wipes
Apart from makeup wipes, you need wet wipes that you can use to clean your sensitive body areas when you are out and about. For example, after a long trip of sightseeing, you can cleanse off the sweat in the restroom and reapply your perfume or body spray. You can stay clean and fresh and they come in handy when you are on the move and have no access to a shower. . They come in small packs that you can carry around in your purse wherever you go. Get those that leave your skin moisturized so that you do not dry out your skin after cleansing it.
Lighted makeup mirror
If you want to apply your make up to perfection, you need a lighted make up mirror. Many times the lighting in hotel rooms and restrooms is not enough to help us apply makeup correctly. It’s the reason why you see lighted makeup mirrors in hair salons and the dressing rooms of actors and stage performers.
Good lighting is essential when it comes to applying a great coat of makeup. You can carry a lighted portable makeup mirror as there are many available. These mirrors come in small sizes so that you can fold them and take them anywhere you go. Using them will ensure that your make up is flawless so that you look amazing at all times.
These are just a few beauty essentials you need to carry for your honeymoon. They are the basics that will help you stay fresh and beautiful no matter if you are out on safari, sight-seeing trip, or at the beach. Many of them are compact or provide you with many benefits in one so that you don’t have to carry too many beauty items during your honeymoon, but you can still look beautiful and well put together at all times.
Written by: Lori Longoria