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Basket Bingo Fundraiser

Help support the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation and the Scottish Rite Hilgenberg Childhood Speech and Language Center in Baltimore at their Basket Bingo Fundraiser!  Featuring Longaberger Baskets & Pottery, Vera Bradley and Thirty-One Gifts, great food, raffles, 50/50 and more!

Early Bird Game @ 1:30 PM

Regular Games Start @ 2:00 PM

Ticket Price: $20–To Purchase contact Scottish Rite at 410-243-3200.


2:00 PM-4:00 PM


Scottish Rite Masonic Temple
3800 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218



Wedding411 Vendors

A&A Scottish Rite

Event Category


Help support the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation and the Scottish Rite Hilgenberg Childhood Speech and Language Center in Baltimore at their Basket Bingo Fundraiser!  Featuring Longaberger Baskets & Pottery, Vera Bradley and Thirty-One Gifts, great food, raffles, 50/50 and more!

Early Bird Game @ 1:30 PM

Regular Games Start @ 2:00 PM

Ticket Price: $20–To Purchase contact Scottish Rite at 410-243-3200.