“How did they ask?” This is a commonly asked question right after a couple gets engaged. Wedding411 set out to get the answer from local engaged couples. Read on to see how Katelyn, Tammy and Tasha were proposed to! Want to read more Proposal Stories? Visit page 152-162 in Wedding411‘s online magazine for seven more stories. If you want to share your proposal story with us and make it into our blogs, email your story and a photo to julie@wedding411ondemand.com.
Katelyn and Joe
“He proposed on Valentine’s day! We decided to celebrate at home that year and Joe cooked me a nice breakfast in the morning. He knew I was tired from just getting back from New York Fashion Week the day before so we just planned to relax and enjoy the day together. I was watching one of my favorite movies, Crazy, Stupid, Love and our sweet little Chocolate Lab, Coco Chanel came running up to me while I was sitting on the sofa. I noticed something shiny around her neck and before I knew it Joe was down on one knee and popped the question. I said YES!”
Tammy and Chris
“Since Chris and I love hosting parties, we decided to throw a “Friendsgiving” dinner at our newly purchased house. We invited 35 of our closest friends and family and had an awesome feast prepared. Once everyone arrived, my fiance gathered everyone to bless the food. It was a bit unusual but it was Thanksgiving and I thought maybe he was just really thankful of his friends. He opened with “Three years ago, I met my best friend…” and I joked “Who, Cory?” (his best friend of over 20 years) and everyone chuckled. Then he proceeded with “I could not be any happier and today, I would like to know if..” then he knelt down and asked “Will you be my wife?” Of course I happily said YES, after repeatedly saying no due to disbelief. I was flushed, hyperventilating but still ecstatic that the love of my life just asked me to marry him. We hugged for a while and then I yelled “Ok, go eat!” as I fan myself to cool off.

Visit Wedding411’s online magazine for more stories!